If you’re a professional looking at stopping; and reclaiming your life, then this remarkable book by addiction expert, Hugh Quigley PhD, reveals how you can kill your addiction thinking. This is a unique opportunity to have this PROVEN functional addiction authority take you by the hand and:

  • See Your Future More Clearly
  • Take Charge Of Your Life
  • Gain Peace Of Mind !

Most of what you need is strategy, instruction, and encouragement from someone who has “been there and done that!” Hugh Quigley is a hands-on expert on the subject of reclaiming your life and in this book he shares with us the advice, techniques and strategies every Professional who uses can and must develop in order to kill your addiction thinking.

“Believing you can get clean, is as easy as believing you’re hooked.” Hugh Quigley Phd

Meet Hugh Quigley


Hugh Quigley is an expert in ending what he calls functional using, and whose accomplishments include: a Bsc (Hons) Psychology, a PhD in Philosophy, an MEd in Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy and a Distinguished Certificate in Counselling Psychology & Therapy

Hugh Is a Drug and Alcohol Counsellor with HURT London-Derry Northern Ireland, a Consultant in Development Training for Organisations all across Ireland, and runs a Private practice using hypnosis, psychotherapy and counselling.

He is a Clinical Member of UKCP – United Kingdom council For Psychotherapy and a fellow Member of the National Counselling Society and a Clinical Member of UPCA – Universities Psychotherapy & Counselling Association He is a Winner of the R Patton Memorial Award through Centre training International school held at Queens University Belfast.

Hugh has Lectured at Liverpool John Moore’s University, Masters in Education in Child Psychotherapy. Lectures for the North West Institute foundation Degree in Counselling, and has Helped thousands get their lives back before being functional becomes dysfunctional.

On a personal level Hugh is an enthusiastic but Bad guitar player, hasn’t got room to swing a cat because he Collects furniture. He Enjoys food – and especially hosting BBQ’s, and is a World class solo traveler. Hugh is also a member of the LGBT community.

An easy read, which will challenge the way you think about your addiction. Hugh has designed a simple process which once implemented will put you back in control.
Dawn Rowley
A frank conversation with addiction counsellor, Hugh Quigley, explains the stages in the journey to take control of your life. Whatever your drug or alcohol, 'Starve the Monster', can help you change your behaviour.
Mrs Doyle
What a simple straightforward read. No lengthy passages about theory. A simple truth. If you are using drugs to ease your situation you can change, take your life back from the monster that is your drug of choice. Follow the process in Dr Quigley's book and it can happen.
Amazon Reviewer

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